Welcome to my blog! Since we ran into a snag on the website I decided to get the blog started and the new website will follow.  So what is this blog going to be about-well my cogitations on art, the world around us and anything else that strikes my fancy. I will work to make this site exciting, relevant and interesting.  After all I want you come come back often for a cog or two!

For those of you who do not know me-yet, I am an artist  living in So. California. In addition to my art I also do a fair share of volunteer work and have some strong opinions on our society. If you would like to see some of my work you can visit my website at www.LJRosen.com or go direct to my store at www.artistsmall.com/stores/ljrosen . Please bookmark this site, save to your favorites, or subscribe above to an RSS feed so we can stay in touch.  And oh yeah, I want to hear from you so please feel free to leave comments to my posts.